Catch me Mon-Friday 7PM-10PM EST on
This is the complete list of commands you can use on the stream:
Currency & Rank:
!bb | Check how many BurritoBucks you have
!info | Explains BurritoBucks
!bbstore | See what you can buy in the !bbstore
!top5 | Displays top 5 viewers
!top10 | Displays top 10 viewers
!tophours10 | Displays hours watched of the top 10 viewers
!commands |All the commands that RevloBot responds to
!allcommands |All the commands that can be used in chat (Moobot $ Ankhbot)
!uptime | See how long the stream has been up
!howlong | See how long you’ve been following
!myurl | A handy stream url to share
!moobot | All moobot commands you can use
!currentgame | See the game I’m currently playing
!time | See my local time
!extralife | Info on my extra life when active
!song | Curious about my music?
!winningwed|Info about Winning Wheel Wednesday – on hold for the time being
!social | My social media links
!youtube | Link to my latest Youtube vid
!corgi | Get some info about Rupert
!donate | Get some info on donation
!ethnicity | Curious?
!schedule | When I do stuff and things
!AskBurrito (Ask a question) | Ask The Great Burrito a yes or no question
!touchburrito & !eatburrito | BurritoBot in its great benevolence will give you a random amount of BB. You can use both of these commands once every hour
!give (viewer) (amount) & !giveburrito | Show off your kindness and your points by giving BB to a fellow BurritoBro
!burritolove (viewer) | Show some free love to a viewer even if you’re broke – no actual BB given, just good vibes
!stealburrito | Be a big meanie and steal a random amount of BB from a BurritoBro – can be used once every hour…meanie
!Songrequest (song ID) | Play a song from Youtube or Spotify live on stream Example: !Songrequest LYhF9ZRjVe
!hunt (amount) |Start an expedition team for the Golden Burrito and earn treasure!
!quote | Play a random quote
!quotesnum | See our quote count
!roll | Roll a number, just cause
!hug | Give a random viewer a hug because they probably need it
!sfx | See our current sfx
Game/Community Info:
!discord | Info on Discord if you want to chat
!steam | My Steam links
!battlenet |Add meh on Battlenet for some Overwatch.
!l4dserver | Info on the L4D2 custom server I play on if you want to join me
!h1z1server | Info on our H1Z1 server if you want to join us
Commands with sound!
The goal of the SFX sounds is to aim for perfect spooky or comedic timing and being the first one to use it since there is a cool down of 15 min for each. These commands create an audible sound that we’ll all hear including me. Imagine me playing a horror game and a scream goes off…yup. There is a 15 minute cool down between repeat plays and a cost of 50 BB for some SFX, you monsters O_o
Free: !rage !milk !yes (4 votes needed) !no (4 votes needed) !onlyone !bang !boo !alive !bang
Paid: !clap !laugh !meanboo !honor !drink !scream !gameover !bread !kazoo !wilhelm

CPU:Intel Core i5-4670K
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7800
Motherboard: ASUS Z87 Plus
Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
Case: Cooler Master HAF XM mid tower
Monitors: Samsung S22C300 22′ 1080 HD (2) + Samsung UN19F4000 19′ LED TV
Mic: Blue Snowball
Keyboard: Razer Black Widow Ultimate 2013
Webcams: Logitech HD Pro C920 (Main), Logitch HD C615 (Creative streams), Logitch HD C310 (Backup)
Bots: Ankebot – Currency/Games/Most commands, Moobot – Moderation
Alerts: StreamLabs (Formally, TwitchAlerts)
These are things you can buy with your BurritoBucks (BB) earned from watching my stream. *Physical items are discontinued and can only be earned through giveaways.
SFX – 20 !BB – !clap !laugh !meanboo !honor !drink !scream !gameover !bread !kazoo !wilhelm *Can be played once every 15 min
Music – 1000 !BB, Regular cost: 500 !BB – Play a song from Youtube or Spotify live on stream Example: !Songrequest LYhF9ZRjVek *Need to have watched stream for at least 3 hrs total, song can’t be longer than 10 minutes, max of 2 song requests per stream or 3 songs for regular viewers
100 !BB – !skip – Vote to skip a song *5 votes until skip
500 !BB – !Veto – Completely bypass the vote and skip a song
More music commands: !WrongSong – Remove the last song you requested
Additional ways to spend BB:
!BB Varies – !give (viewer) (amount) & !giveburrito| Show off your kindness and your points by giving BB to a fellow BurritoBro
20 !BB & random amount if you get caught have to pay bail – !stealburrito | Steal a random amount of BB from a BurritoBro – can be used once every hour
!BB Varies – !hunt (amount) |Start an expedition team for the Golden Burrito and earn treasure!
50 !BB – !challenge (viewer) | Challenge someone to a 1v1 Example: !challenge GypsyflyPMS
50 !BB – !ffa | Its an all out free for all in the arena. Challenge everyone in chat to a brawl
300 !BB – !raffle | Join a giveaway for a physical item or code *cost may very
NOTE-Rewards subject to change