Journey To Tampaland

tampa postcard

So this place got real quiet just as it was beginning to get fun, sorry about that.

The hubs received a deserved promotion so we’re off to Tampa about an hour and half away and much closer to the water which makes me bien happy.

However, the promotion and our move was poorly timed with the end of our apartment lease and when the perfect apartment will become available in Tampa.

So here we are with my mom for two months while we wait, save, and work.

So my computer is backed up and I’m working on an ancient Samsung netbook…man I’m a total Samsung fan girl. Everything Samsung I ever had has worked wonderfully, anyway, this netbook is slow but works it’s like 10 years old.

What I can’t get done on my cell phone I do on my senior Sam, as I’ve taken to calling him.

It’s been nice taking a break from social media, Skype, and even playing the games I was playing endlessly distracting myself from the things I actually wanted to do.

There are two things I’m working on; my Oddi Oggi project and an article/blog entry that sprung from the need to make space and money.

Oddi Oggi is a concept I created a few years ago and just now started. I’ll talk more about it later but I’m really enjoying the process and hope others will enjoy Oggi and his friends. They’ll most likely live on their own site with updates on their progress here.

The other thing I”m doing is selling. I”m selling clothes, furniture, jewelry, and other items we no longer want. I didn’t think I had a talent for this but apparently I do. The people I’ve met and experience I’ve had with the various apps and the whole process in general has been really interesting. I’m going to put it all in a blog for anyone who might find it helpful. Hopefully its a little funny too. Here are the current apps I’m on. Vinted, OfferUp, 5 Miles, Wallapop (no longer placing new items here, it’s kinda dead there), and lastly Craigslist (for the big items).

It has been a fun little experience learning that I have a skill I didn’t think I wanted. Its more than listing something, throwing up a few words, and hoping someone bites…if that’s all you do, no one will bite.

Anyway, those are my updates for now, for the next two months I’ll be working on the stuff I mentioned above with little distraction other than Netflix, Hulu, and Imgur. I”m gonna have to work on those last three some more.
